Full Name:
Cell Phone:
Current Occupations:
Completed Education:
3 things that you’re passionate about:
3 things on your life’s “to do” list:
Your top 3 favorite albums:
Your favorite short joke:
When are you available to host Quizzo:
Two suggestions for Quizzo categories:
How would you improve the Quizzo experience:

Do you want to put your own twist on our silly trivia game?
Would you like to meet the smartest drinkers in Chicago?
Have you ever imagined leaving the bar with more money than you entered with?
Are you breathing?

If you answered “yes” to at least one of the above questions
then you’re qualified to run our company.
For now though we’re looking for new Quizmasters to be a part of our next expansion.
Interested applicants are encouraged to re-think their interest.
If you still want to join the team you can begin by submitting the following information.

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